With so much hesitancy, misinformation, and opinion masquerading as fact, it’s difficult to know where to turn for straight answers to immunization or vaccine related questions. This is a list of experts we trust for carefully vetted, science-based information on immunization and vaccines.

Montana Immunization Program

The mission of the Montana Immunization Program is to prevent vaccine preventable disease among all residents throughout their life span by sharing information, managing data, providing education, giving guidance, and overseeing distribution of publicly-funded vaccines.

Centers for Disease Control

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides information on infectious diseases and chronic conditions. The CDC website provides resources for travelers, families, care providers, and community leaders about vaccines, immunizations, programs, and the diseases associated with immunization.

National Institute for Health (NIH)

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a division of the US Department of Health and Human Services providing information on a variety of medical and related sciences topics. Additionally, helpful health and medical topics include grants and funding, news and events, and research and training.

Vaccinate Your Family

Vaccinate Your Family (VYF) is a national nonprofit organization committed to providing resources to reduce the impact of vaccine preventable diseases. Their website includes easy to understand information for the public on reasons to vaccinate, which vaccines are recommended for different age groups, questions and answers to vaccine safety and efficacy, disease outbreak information, and resources for healthcare professionals.

Immunization Action Coalition (IAC)

The Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) is a resource with information related to immunizations for healthcare providers, the public, and vaccination coalitions. For the healthcare professional, there are handouts and staff materials, clinical tools such as templates or vaccine logs, Vaccine Information Statements, vaccine preventable disease information, and resources for talking to clients about vaccines. For the public the IAC has basic information on vaccines and vaccine preventable diseases. In addition, there is information on resources, recommended vaccines, personal testimonies, and informational videos specific to infant/child, preteen, teen, and adult age groups. Lastly, there is a section devoted entirely to talking about vaccines with others.

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) is the first children’s hospital in the U.S. specializing in the treatment and research of pediatric health and wellness. CHOP’s website contains resources for specific diseases and disorders and a Vaccine Education Center providing complete, reliable, and up-to-date vaccine information for parents and healthcare professionals.

World Health Organization (WHO)

The World Health Organization (WHO) has a goal of better health for everyone the world over, and helps ensure people in need have healthy air, food and water, medicines and vaccines to prevent diseases. In addition, the WHO website offers information on health topics including key facts, signs and symptoms, transmission, treatment, prevention, and how the WHO is responding to the global need. There is also region-specific information, current news topics, and information to be found on their website.