Your Voice Matters

Public conversations around immunization are incredibly important, we need your voice to speak up for data-driven, science-based immunization approaches. The Montana Immunization Partnership is committed to helping you share your belief in immunization as the right choice for your family and community. Whether you’re a casual activist, full-time warrior, or just want more information about immunization and vaccines we have a role for you.

Join Our Coalition

Are you an individual, community group, or organization who believes in power of immunization? The Montana Immunization Partnership will help you magnify your impact by connecting you to like-minded partners and creating opportunities for collective action. As a coalition member you’ll receive regular updates, event notifications, advocacy alerts, and other resources to help you make a positive case for immunization in your community.

Tell Your Story

Facts and statistics are important, but nothing moves someone closer to your point of view than sharing a personal experience. Explaining why immunization matters to you and your family is a powerful way to encourage others to make responsible immunization decisions.

Talk to Your Legislator

Too often our elected officials hear the vocal minority with a narrow view point. You can give your representative the confidence they need to stand on science and support appropriate immunization policies by voicing your support.

Ask a Question

We get it. Immunizations are a complicated topic and often generate anxiety or unanswered questions. Shoot us a note and we’ll do our best to steer you in the right direction.